Are you an avid brusher and flosser? Even if that’s the case, a dental emergency in Greenfield can strike when you least expect it to. Some are the results of accidental physical injury, while others involve untreated infection or decay. However, those situations are nothing compared to some of the strangest dental emergencies to ever happen. Read on to learn about five unusual incidents these patients went through.
Denture Odor
Eventually, dentures will need to be replaced or repaired to ensure your smile stays in tip-top shape. Well, one patient went to visit her dentist for treatment when they realized there was a problem. She had left her prosthetics in her mouth for months, even though they were supposed to be taken out daily for cleaning. As a result, the patient had a horrible smell from a severe gum infection.
Growing Vegetables
One patient scheduled an emergency appointment with his dentist because he was experiencing a severe toothache and an ache in his gums. After an examination, the dentist decided to address the situation with a root canal. During the procedure, they were expecting to find plaque and tartar – not a sprouting plant! It was later discovered that a tomato seed had gotten stuck in the patient’s tooth and started growing.
DIY Crown Placement
Dental restorations are certainly durable, but they’re not meant to last forever. If your crown ever falls out, you should contact your dentist right away for treatment. Well, a woman had hers fall off and she attempted to fix it using superglue. Not only did it not work, but the substance got all over her mouth and throat and even glued her teeth together.
Calculus Bridge
Failing to take proper care of your smile can cause plaque and tartar to build up over time. Eventually, serious buildup will connect your teeth and gums in something called a calculus bridge. One patient with this issue decided to aggressively brush their teeth to remove the buildup. However, they didn’t realize the bridge was the only thing keeping their teeth together. When it came off, so did their teeth!
Dog Ate My Crown
When one patient’s crown fell off, she placed it on the counter and called her dentist. Somehow it fell to the ground and her dog swallowed it. She waited a few days for it to “pass”, got it out of her dog’s stool, cleaned it, and brought it with her to her appointment. Her dentist had no idea what happened until after the crown replacement procedure was over!
If you ever find yourself experiencing a dental emergency in Greenfield, you should contact your dentist right away for assistance. With their help, your smile will be back on the right track in no time – even in the strangest situations!
About the Practice
At BGH Dental, we’re passionate about helping patients achieve and maintain their very best smiles. Our team approach to dentistry allows us to provide truly comprehensive care, meaning you’ll always be in good hands at our practice. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to contact us for help. You can make an appointment via our website or call (413) 772-0842.