Chipped, stained, crooked or gapped teeth take on a whole new look with porcelain veneers from Doctors Bagley, Goodwin and Hrinda in Greenfield, MA. Customized from biocompatible ceramic, veneers makeover smiles in just 2 dental visits.
Looking for a permanent change to a dull, chipped, uneven smile? Makeover your smile with porcelain veneers from Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda PC. Custom-crafted from dental grade ceramic, veneers are cemented to the front surface of one or more teeth to achieve a naturally beautiful result.
Porcelain veneers change appearance and self-confidence
Afraid to smile because of tooth imperfections? Cosmetic dental services from Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda PC in Greenfield, MA makeover smiles so people feel confident when speaking and talking in public. Porcelain veneers, or dental laminates, are one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments.
Comprised of ultra-thin shells of biocompatible ceramic, veneers are bonded to the front side of one or more teeth marred by:
- food, beverage or cigarette stains
- chips
- hairline cracks
- minor overlaps and crowding
- odd shape
- gaps
Color matched and blending in with surrounding teeth, dental laminates are a permanent and attractive way to dramatically change smile aesthetics.
Doctors Goodwin, Bagley and Hrinda and their associates, Doctors Stier and Hopeck, carefully evaluate their patients who express an interest in smile makeovers. Visual examination, x-rays and other imaging help determine if porcelain veneers are appropriate. Teeth must be free of extensive decay and restorations, and the mouth in good health. With the decision made, the doctor takes impressions and removes a very thin amount of enamel (0.5 mm) from the front side of each tooth to be treated.
The veneer procedure is comfortable
Generally, the veneer procedure is painless but may result in minor tooth and gum sensitivity which quickly resolves. After the teeth are prepped, the dentist sends a treatment plan and impressions to an outside lab where a skilled ceramist crafts each veneer.
During a subsequent visit, the dentist bonds the veneers to the teeth, adjusting fit, shape and bite. He or she can vary the color of the laminates by changing the shade of the bonding adhesive. Patients adjust quickly to the how their veneers feel and how their teeth bite together.
Veneers are easy to care for
Patients care for their stain-resistant porcelain veneers just as they do their natural teeth–with good brushing and flossing habits and routine exams and cleanings with Doctors Bagley, Goodwin and Hrinda. They must not chew ice or other hard foods as these can chip veneers–and natural teeth, too. Veneers last several years, providing durability and excellent aesthetics.
In addition, porcelain veneers often are part of a complete smile makeover. Used in conjunction with professional teeth whitening and cosmetic bonding or more extensive restorations such as porcelain crowns and dental implants, veneers play an important role in modern cosmetic dentistry.
You probably have many questions
Find out if porcelain laminates are right for your smile makeover. Trust the skilled professional team at Bagley, Goodwin and Hrinda PC for a smile analysis and treatment plan suited to your needs, goals and budget. Contact the office today for a consultation.