Are you hoping to set a tone for a lifetime of positive experiences at the dentist for your child? Your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, are dedicated to offering the best care for patients of all ages. We understand children and are happy to offer kid-friendly dentistry to our littlest patients.
Dental Education at Home
Do you teach your child how to take care of their teeth? Many parents know that they need to tell kids to brush their teeth, but they don’t realize that it’s best to do the brushing at least up to 8-years-old. Children simply don’t have the dexterity and patience to do a proper two minute job. Preventive dental appointments are recommended every six months from the time your baby’s teeth first start to erupt. Don’t forget to encourage your little ones to floss at night. As they get further in to their childhood years, your Greenfield dentists may suggest dental sealants and fluoride treatments which can strengthen, protect, and cause an inhospitable environment for bacteria to congregate on young teeth.
Dental Education in the Office
It’s perfectly normal for children to be uneasy about new experiences. This is why we have armed our office with kid-friendly amenities to make the experience more comfortable and exciting. If your child is particularly nervous, be sure to let them know they have headphones with their favorite music, heated neck pillows and blankets, and lots of friendly faces to look forward to.
Kids are naturally thirsty for knowledge. We take pride in educating parents and children on effective brushing and flossing techniques and the best dental health products to keep smiles healthy. Some children may require orthodontics or wisdom teeth extraction as they get older, and we will be here to help with all such needs in what will then be a familiar and comforting environment for the patients that we’ve been seeing for years.
Schedule an Appointment with Your Greenfield Dentists Today
If you need age-appropriate dental care for your children, visit our 01301 dentist office. Call 413-772-0842 to make an appointment with Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda. We are proud to serve patients in the western region of Massachusetts, close to the surrounding states of CT, NH, VT, and NY.