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Can Baking Soda Brighten Your Teeth?

April 15, 2013

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — bghdental @ 2:26 pm

Baking SodaCertain foods are best eaten in moderation. Cakes, pies, cookies, and anything full of sugar or refined carbohydrates are definitely best avoided if you want healthy teeth and a slim waistline. However, most baked goods contain one ingredient that some people swear by as a natural teeth whitener: baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate. Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda offer in-office and at-home teeth whitening procedures that are sure to give you a noticeably whiter and brighter smile in as little as an hour. However, for maintenance, an occasional dose of baking soda won’t hurt once in a while. Read on to understand why.

Sodium Bicarbonate Around the House

Sodium bicarbonate is a main ingredient in many baking recipes because of its ability to make things rise. Baking soda combines with any acid-containing ingredients in your recipe. The reaction of these two compounds results in gas bubbles to produce sumptuous, fluffy, well-risen desserts. Without this chemical reaction, your cookies would be flat, and you’d have two dozen sunken in muffins to throw out. Baking soda isn’t just for baking, however. Sodium bicarbonate is a versatile compound. It can be a great home remedy for bug bite irritation, searing sunburns, and gentle heartburn relief. You can also use baking soda as an odor absorber (you may have an open box in your refrigerator right now) and also a preservative to help fresh flowers last longer.

Teeth Whitening Powers of Baking Soda

A mild abrasive action occurs when you mix baking soda with water. Brushing your teeth with this homemade mixture, can break up stains on your teeth that are the result of some of the dark colored foods we spoke about in last week’s blog. Be prepared that baking soda as a cosmetic dental supplement will likely only produce fairly subtle results. While it can be a great way to give your whitening a boost between professional treatments with your Greenfield dentists, don’t brush with baking soda more than once a week. Even if mild, it is an abrasive and you want to make sure you keep your tooth enamel uninjured.

Teeth Whitening from Greenfield Dentists

If you are interested in teeth whitening, visit our 01301 dentist office. Call 413-772-0842 to make an appointment with Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda. We are proud to serve patients in the western region of Massachusetts, close to the surrounding states of CT, NH, VT, and NY.


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